Located on the former US airbase at Alconbury Weald near Huntingdon, Peter Dann were pleased to assist in the development of this community hub which was also to house the Enterprise Zone’s masterplan developers. The three-storey community space accommodates a meeting hall that also serves as a gymnasium, a public café and the offices of Urban & Civic.
The entire structural frame is constructed from cross-laminated timber. This is a high sustainable solution using a low impact material with a much lower embodied carbon footprint than traditional steel or concrete. The building frame is also lighter thereby reducing foundation loads. CLT benefits from off-site fabrication and is quick to erect on site.
The structure is aesthetically pleasing and is exposed in the finished condition. The building is light and airy with generous volumes and sits beneath two exaggerated roof canopies. The curtain wall glazing and dark-stained timber cladding echo the neighbouring Alconbury Incubator building.
Peter Dann were pleased to receive a Regional British Council Offices (BCO) Award for the Alconbury Weald Club in the category for projects up to 1500m2. The building was also shortlisted for the prestigious Wood Awards in 2016.